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Blue and orange drop-shaped hourglass

Blue and orange drop-shaped hourglass

Regular price $37.00 CAD
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A blue and orange drop-shaped hourglass is a decorative and functional item that is used to measure the passage of time. It is shaped like a drop and is typically made of glass or plastic. The hourglass has a blue and orange color scheme and may have a glossy or matte finish. It consists of two bulbs connected by a narrow waist, with sand or another type of granulated material inside. When the hourglass is turned over, the sand flows from the top bulb to the bottom bulb, creating a visual representation of the passage of time. Blue and orange drop-shaped hourglasses are a stylish and practical way to add a touch of whimsy and function to a room or outdoor space. They can be used as a timekeeping tool or simply as a decorative piece.

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